Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Progress on Release 0.2

My fellow classmates and I have been working away at our 2nd and (some are on their 3rd releases) for some weeks now. After having chosen a bug that was very complicated and would take more time than I had to spare for this semester, I moved on to a new topic.

My new issue to solve was: https://github.com/mozilla/brackets/pull/658

So far, I have run into issues that don't directly involve the code that I wrote, but somewhere in the npm building and testing with Travis Cl, it is trying to access directories that I don't have in my current cloned version. I haven't been able to figure out what part of the Gruntfile.js is calling deep into 3rd-party extension codes, nor have I figured out what exactly is happening during these 'builds'.

I'm going to keep working away at it, but I realize that the end of the semester is approaching in a few weeks. It's time to take on the 3rd and 4th releases now I believe. Somehow I'll have to juggle 3 releases at the same time in order to fulfill the course requirements.

The other issue I had in mind right now is for Adobe's Brackets as a 3rd release:

The 4th release might be: TBD